Major programme assurance toolkit
The central authority in the UK Government for major and complex change programmes (the IPA), which supports a portfolio of more than £400 billion in whole life cost, sought to reshape their programme assurance and support practices.
The IPA had an established and complex operating model that involved all central government departments (officials, leaders, and ministers). Improvements to the assurance operation were requested by the Prime Minister. The challenge was to deliver the outcomes collaboratively with colleagues at all levels, setting out the required changes and improvements, and guiding the change while listening to and taking officials involved on the journey.
We deployed a team into the IPA and established proper programme governance, reporting, controls, and contributors, along with a comprehensive set of deliverables. Simplex Consultants, using our 3D TOM method, set out the component parts of the IPA assurance operation, proposing opportunities for improvement, agreeing on them through governance, and then taking them into live service.
The IPA sought to improve the delivery of major projects by providing better-gated assurance and more targeted support where it is required to ensure value for money, improved social value outcomes, enhanced sustainability, reduced environmental impact, and alignment with government priorities. Our support resulted in:
1. Policy & process definition
2. Production of the latest set of gateway assurance workbooks for assurance reviews
3. Onboarding of a new assurance team
4. Establishment of new analytics and reporting